1. Germination process of Sugar maple

This sugar maples were sent by Mr. Dan, an American friend.

They were sown at the beginning of February, and it took 35 days to germinate.

After the second spring they changed the early shape of their leaves into the shape as it is.


2. Germination process of Red maple & Silver maple

Red maples & Silver maples sent by Mr. Dan on June 02, 1999

I sowed them at the beginning of June, they germinated after a week.

Maple-seed will usually ripen in autumn, but the seed of red maple & silver maple
will blossom in March or April and ripen & fall & germinate soon by June
as well as Acer pycnanthum from Japan.

Japanese name

English name

botanical name


red maple

Acer rubrum


silver maple

Acer saccharinum

The left & the right row : Red maple (Acer rubrum)
The middle row
: Japanese Red maple (Acer pycnanthum).
