Young leaves of maples from Europe & America in May 2003

Maples from North America

Acer saccharum, sugar maple

Acer negundo, Ashleaf maple

Acer rubrum, red maple

Acer saccharinum, silver maple

Acer saccharum, sugar maple

Acer nigrum, black maple

Acer leucoderme, Chalk maple

Acer macrophyllum, Oregon maple

Acer rubrum, red maple

Acer saccharinum, silver maple

Acer spicatum, mountain maple

Acer pensylvanicum, Moosewood


Maples from Europe

Acer platanoides, Norway maple

'Schwedleri' cultivars of A. platanoides

Acer pseudoplatanus , Sycamore maple

Acer campestre, Hedge maple


Acer opalus, Italian maple

Acer obtusatum, Bosnian maple

Acer hyrcanum, Balkan-Ahorn

Acer monspessulanum, Montpellier Maple

