Germination of maples in 2001 ; No.1
The latter half that did not germinate last year germinated this spring.
Acer japonicum & Acer
circinatum (Vine maple) germinated this spring after one year.
Most of Acer
oliverianum germinated last year and the remainder did this year.
serrulatum Hayata, whose seed had been picked up
at Taipei Botanical Garden this March, sprouted soon.
These maples are included in the group of Acer palmatum.
Acer nigrum (Black mple) is from North America. Acer
tataricum (Tatarian maple) is
from the West Asia, the same group of Acer aidzuense from Japan.
stachyophyllum (Acer tetramerum) is from
China, Himalaya, Tibet and the like, 3000m above sea level.
glabrum (Rockey mountain maple) is from America.
komarovii (Acer koreanum) is from Korea & NE China.
Those maples sown in last winter and soon sprouted this spring are as follows.
Acer tutcheri, Acer insulare, Acer circinatum
Acer platanoides, Acer nigrum, Acer serrulatum
Those maples sown in the winter before tha last and after one year sprouted this spring are as follows.
Acer davidii, Acer glabrum, Acer henrii
Acer triflorum, Acer tataricum, Acer mandshuricum
Acer opalus, Acer japonicum, Acer circinatum
Acer pensylvanicum, Acer heptalobum, Acer nikoense
Acer stachyophyllum, Acer komarovii, Acer langii