Mt. Fuji seen from Tagonoura

Tagonoura is located the south of Mt.Fuji, Fuji city, Shizuoka Pref.
So, we can see the gigantic Mt.Fuji at this place.

YAMABE-no Akahito is a poet in the Nara era about 1300 years ago.
He was one of the poets whose tanka (Japanese poem)s were compiled into the Manyo-shu.
We Japanese learn the following tanka by Akahito in our high school days.

uchi-idete mire-ba
Fuji-no takane-ni
yuki-wa furi-keru"

My interpretation as a meaning is as follows.

"Passing through Tagonoura
I came out to the fine viewing place, where I saw
how white it is,
on the lofty peak of Mt. Fuji
has it snowed."

Mr. Levy Hideo, translated this poem as follows.

"Coming out from Tago's nestled cove,
I gaze: white, pure white
the snow has fallen
on Fuji's lofty peak."

A View from "Fuji-to-Minato-no mieru Koh-en" , Tagonoura harbor, Fuji city

In this way, we Japanese will continue to hand down the divine beauty
of white lofty peak of Mt. Fuji from generation to generation.

Let me show you Japanese print Ukiyo-e "Fugaku Sanju-roku-Kei" by KATSUSHIKA Hokusai.
(Fugaku ; Mt. Fuji, Sanju-roku ; 36, Kei ; Views, so "Fugaku Sanju-roku-kei" ; The 36 pieces of Views of Mt.Fuji )

Firstly, The View of "Sunshu-Ohno-shinden"
Ohno-shinden is a place-name, located at the south of Fuji city Shizuoka Pref.

"Sunshu-Ohno-shinden" by KATSUSHIKA Hokusai

Fall scenery of Gakunan area neighboring Ohno-shinden area

Rice field scenery of Gakunan area before sunset in early summer neighboring Ohno-shinden area

@Secondly, The View of "Tohkaido-Ejiri-Tagonoura Ryakuzu (Sketch)"
Mt. Fuji seen from Suruga Bay.

"Tohkaido-Ejiri-Tagonoura Ryakuzu(Sketch)"

Let me show you a View from Nishiura, nearly the south of Tagonoura over Suruga Bay.

The image at Nishiura, Numazu, seemed to be seen from the same direction as the upper picture

The followings were taken at Tagonoura harbor on Nov. 16, 2010.
