Sugar maple

Acer saccharum Marshall ssp. saccharum

Seedlings of 8 years (Seed was offered by Dan)

Seedlings of 8 years, 1.5m tall

Fall color of sugar maples, Nov. 05, 2007 (The upper left red : red maples )

New leaves, Apr.18, 2006

Sprouting new leaves, Apr. 12, 2006

New leaves of 2 years old

New green leaves of 3 years old

Autumn colors

Autumn colored young trees of 2 years old


The folowing was offered by Mr.Daniel Otis.

A.saccharum at his family's farm

Trunk of A.saccharum

A.saccharum in front of his house

A.saccharum outside his office window

A.saccharum in front of his house

The following was offered by Mr.Peter Podaras.

Acer saccharum
Smith College campus
North Hampton Massachusettes

Acer saccharum "Kaliopi"
Peter Podaras original selection

The following photos show the autumn colors of Sugar maples at Arlington National Cemetery in 2010.
These were offered by Mr. Mima who lives in Tokyo.

All are Acer saccharum except for the one in the left side of the photo.
It will be Acer rubrum or Acer xfreemanii.
