Visit to Shugakuin Imperial Villa in late autumn

2. An article on Dec. 18, 2007

I visited Shugakuin Imperial Villa for the second time this year on Dec.18, 2007
Almost all leaves of maples have fallen down in the middle of December.

A grand view from Rin-un-tei, the Upper Villa

We see the west shore of the pond "Yokuryuchi" seen from Dobashi bridge.

The northern part of the pond, Boat House is colored red by fallen leaves of maples.

A view of Banshoh-u island from Boat harbor, the northwestern part of the pond

Karikomi (round hill by plants clipping) in front of Rin-un-tei is shining misteriously by the morning sun & dew.

Finally I saw a little living autumn color of maples at the end of the west shore path.

Good by ! Maple-viewing in 2007 !


1. An article on Sep.05, 2007

I visited Shugakuin Imperial Villa for the first time this year on Sep.05, 2007

View-components of the middle Villa

Kasumi-dana (Mist shelf) at the Guest house

View of the Upper Villa

The first view after entering Miyuki Gate

A grand view from Rin-un-tei

Odaki waterfall from Otowa river

Maples & Chitose bridge with phoenix on the arbor roof

Maple Bridge "Kaede-bashi" linked to Kyusui-tei

Tea House "Kyusui-tei" remaining images in those days

Earth bridge "Dobashi" from Kyusui-tei, Nakajima

Boat House on the north shore

Boat Harbor on the northwestern shore

Earth bridge & Boat Harbor from the west shore

Bansho-u island extending from Nakajima,
seen from the west shore

Lastly, let me show you some old maples in Shugakuin Imperial Villa

Upper : An old maple tree & A Maple & Lantern at Rakushi-ken garden of Naka-Rikyu
Lower : Some old maples aong the west shore

Some large maple trees around the west shore

Some large maple trees along the west shore
