Kongohrinji Temple Garden & maples

874 Aisho-cho Matsuoji, Echi-gun Shiga Pref.

I visited Kongohrinji Temple Garden on Oct. 16, 2007.

Kongohrinji Temple is one of The Three Temples "Kotoh-sanzan" , built in 741, a large temple of the Tendai Sect.

UL : Black Gate "Sohmon" , UR : White Gate for Myohju-in
LL : Gate for the Garden, LR : The Deva Gate "Nitenmon"

Approach to the main Hall, made of stone steps with azalea and a tunnel of maples

Gardens have Going around pond style, composed of three ones as that of Momoyama, early Edo and middle Edo period.

Upper : The Garden in the Momoyama period, Lower : The garden with Dry Waterfall in the early Edo period

The Garden in the middle of Edo period
An impressive stone boat meaning a treasure ship of the seven Gods of Fortune, top right

The main Hall "Daihikaku" among the maple trees

Three-storied Pagoda surrounded with maples

It is truely said that it's a noted place for maple.
