Hinauchiwa-kaede : Acer tenuifolium Koidzumi

Let's compare their autumn colors between shirasawanum & tenuifolium.

The followings are leaves of Acer tenuifolium.

Leaves in the center began to change color.

UL : New leaves, UR : Leaves in summer, LL : Autumn color
LR : Autumn color at Mt. Chausu Nagano Pref.

The new young leaves with soft hairs not so much as those of japonicum & sieboldianum

New leaves

Pretty flowers

Comparison of flowers between shirasawanum & tenuifolium

Upper : Shirasawanum having upright flowers, Lower : tenuifolium carrying flowers

Samaras and leaves, Masutomi Yamanashi Pref.

Samaras and leaves, Mt. Chausu Highlands Nagano Pref.
(Carrying flowers, but having upright samaras)

Let me show you recent images.

Firstly, autumn colors of Acer tenuifolium !

Let's show you Flowers at Chausu-yama Highlands in 2012.

Flowers and new leaves, Mt. Chausu Highlands Nagano Pref.

Flowers and new leaves, Chausu-yama Highlands Nagano Pref.

Comparison of young leaves of "Fan-like leaf maples"

Upper L : Acer japonicum, Upper R : Acer sieboldianum
Lower L : Acer shirasawanum, Lower R : Acer tenuifolium
(Conspicuous soft hairs of japonicum & sieboldianum)
