Scenery of Warsaw in autumn

October 2000, Chopin piano competition was held in Warsaw Poland.
Warsaw was in the middle of autumn. Roadside trees, such as Norway maples,
Sycamore maples and negundo maples, dyed the town yellow.
On the walking roads there were scattered maple seed,
so it was difficult for me to walk without stamping on them.

Walking in Warsaw, Palace of Culture and Science catches our eyes first of all.
It was built in a Soviet architectural style in the1950s.

Warsaw in autumn seemed to have a calm and tranquil atmosphere harmonizing with nature to me.
There did I find a goodness that has something different from those that large cities have,
such as too much noise, luxury and artificiality.

Liberalization is permeating in Poland,
and I heard that the name of airport would be changed into Chopin Airport at that very moment.

I visited Botanic Garden of Warsaw University (UNIWERSYTETU WARSZAWSKIEGO).
Maples are planted at the 8th section. Polish for maple is "Klon , Klonu".

Acer capillipes (Klon hondoanski), Acer rubrum (Klon czerwony)A
Acer circinatum (Klon okraglolistny), Acer platanoides (Klon zwyczajny)A
Acer nikoense (Klon trojlistkowy)
Acer palmatum sp.matsumurae (Klon palmowy matsumurae)

I could observe more than 10 species including those mentioned above.

In addition, at the 17th section I saw Acer campestre (Klonu polnego) whose age is 170 years old.

Acer campestre whose age is 170 years old

There is "Chopin monument in Lazienki Park" in the city of Warsaw.
Autumn colors were bright at that time.
An object hanging over the monument is a willow tree and at the same time it forms Chopin's fingers,
I heard. Yellow colored trees in the back of the monument were not maples but oaks,
and there were many dropped acorns under the trees.
Of course, there were included Norway maples in the yellow trees of this photo.

Chopin's parents' home is situated in the western suburbs of the city of Warsaw,
and it takes more than one hour by car.
The area around the house is full of trees and has walking roads.
I was surprised that I found a Japanese maple tree Acer nikoense there.

Chopin Musical Academy (Akademia Mvzyczna IM. Fryderyka Chopina)
was offering drilling rooms for contestants during the competition.
A Norway maple in front of the gate had many seed.
Both sides of the road were full of maple seeds which were blown and gathered by the wind.

Chopin Monument in Lazienki Park, His parent' home(left), Musical Academy(right)

Secondly, let me show you Wilanowie Park (Museum w Wilanowie Park).
There can we see Palace, museum and western gardens.
The park was covered by autumn colors.
I maybe permitted to say that their colors are only yellow,
 having non red colors which are very popular in Japan.

It was impressive that the color of brook water was deep real green.(lower right)

A panorama picture of a park moat

gMaples & Japanese Cultureh